Thursday 10 December 2009

Tuesday 7 July 2009


Nice_20090701_01, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

Loved the colours grouped together of these cups and saucers in an antique market in Nice France


Nice_20090701_02, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

Coloured book's


Nice_20090701_03, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

Random letter stickers on a tree in Nice, something charming and confusing about it

Wednesday 4 March 2009


Smiley-Button, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

This sign reminded me of my sister Emma and my nephew who is a gorgeous smiley button.


Jap-wind-mills, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

Very pretty Japanese paper wind mills


Owl-T, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

This made me smile

Tuesday 3 March 2009


Berbejin, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

A 2nd hand shop in Harajuko full of interesting curiousity's


Grandad-Blazer, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

How funny I have a blazer just like this it belonged to Grandad, it was his University Blazer, amusingly it was selling for £450


Shirt-em-names-front, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.
This embroidered shirt full of end of school signitures was really fun and cool


Shirt-em-names-b, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.


Shirt-em-names-detail, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.


Peter-Rabbit-Shirt, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

This shirt wasn't embroidered but the illustrations and signitures were cool


Peter-Rabbit-Shirt-detail, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

Monday 2 March 2009

Bombay Bazar -Ginger Tea and Table

Images from one of my favourite cafes in Tokyo, love the ditsy floral napkins and the quirky curiousity table, that looked like it was telling a story almost like a little memory capsule. The sweet ginger tea is pretty good too!

Bombay Bazar -Cafe

Bombay Bazar -Cafe, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.


Loo, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

For my sister Emma thought she would appreciate this Loo in Japan -Tokyo


Loo-Door-handels, originally uploaded by mollykphoto's.

The different heights of the the sliding door handels made me smile.